상변선생 [342667] · MS 2010 · 쪽지

2013-09-25 23:09:31
조회수 4,561

상변선생 수능완성 변형문제 연재 (8)

게시글 주소: https://wwww.orbi.kr/0003848368

바쁘네요 ㅋ  우리모두 끝까지 지치지 말고 화이팅 합시다!

48p 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

 Sometimes it seems that the more we don’t want to do something, the more we feel compelled to do it. Professional athletes are especially aware of this frustrating lack of control. If a baseball player is in a slump, for example, he is likely to obsess about his inability to hit the ball. Every time he comes up to bat, he worries about whether he’ll get a hit─and the more he worries, the less likely he is to get one. Or a pro golfer who’s had bad luck on a particular hole during a tournament often gets spooked when she has to play that hole again. She remembers all the mistakes she made the last time─and then labors under what feels like an irresistible compulsion to repeat them. Athletes from all different types of sports describe the same phenomenon: “The harder I try to avoid a mistake, the more inevitable that mistake starts to feel.”

① A Similarity between Baseball and Golf

② A Universal Phenomenon in Human Beings

③ Psychological Aspects of Professional Sports

④ A Paradox in Sports: Avoiding Is Approaching

⑤ A Jinx: What You Must Break to Be Successful

49p 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? 

They should be providing the most intense scrutiny on our behalf, so the public can see the other side of things.

 It’s important that the media provide us with diverse and opposing views, so we can choose the best available options. Let’s take the example of going to war. ( ① ) War should be a last resort, obviously, undertaken when all other options have failed. ( ② ) So, when someone is threatening to go to war, or trying to convince us and mounting a huge public relations campaign to justify it, the news media have a responsibility to question everything. ( ③ ) Otherwise, we may be drawn into unnecessary wars, or wars fought for reasons other than those presented by governments. ( ④ ) Most of the time, the media fail to perform this crucial role. ( ⑤ ) Even the large, so-called “liberal” American media such as the New York Times and Washington Post admitted that they had not always been watchdogs for the public interest, and that their own coverage on some major issues “looks strikingly one-sided at times.”



50p 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? 

 While cramming your brain full of facts the night before the test may indeed lead to a high grade, it’s akin to jamming an entire six-course meal into your mouth in the first five minutes of dinner. Sure, you might keep it down for a while and even absorb a few nutrients, but soon everything will “come up” the way it went in─virtually undigested. When you consume the content gradually and chew it carefully, you are able to retain and use the nutrients far longer. Studying a topic for an hour tonight, another hour on the weekend, and another hour next week will improve your long-term recall of it. Why? Because each time you revisit the content─especially after a few days have passed─your brain has to essentially relearn it, and each time it learns it a little more effectively.

① 짧은 시간의 과식은 영양분의 효율적인 흡수에 부정적이다.

② 시험 전날의 벼락치기가 높은 성적을 가져올 가능성이 높다.

③ 학습과 음식물 소화 사이에는 여러 가지 공통점이 존재한다.

④ 학습 내용을 여러 번에 걸쳐서 반복하는 것이 기억에 효율적이다.

⑤ 내용에 대한 완벽한 이해가 반복보다 더 효과적인 학습법이다.

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