지방에 있는 듣보잡 우리 학원 paraphrasing 교재인데 평가좀요.
게시글 주소: https://wwww.orbi.kr/0005536048
Many times, we
want to play the role of a good child, or an uncomplaining employee, or a
cooperative patient; hence, we please others by doing what they expect us to
do. In doing so, we do not remember our boundaries and needs. In the end, we
find ourselves in difficult circumstances and our relationships strained.
Contrariwise, when we learn to say “no” to what we don’t like to do and say
“yes” to what we desire to do, then we feel empowered and our relationships
improve. So do not be afraid to say no. Let us live according to our desires
and say what we really want to say.
① 난관을 극복할 때 성취감이 생긴다.
② 항상 타인의 입장을 먼저 고려해야 한다.
③ 자신이 원하지 않는 일은 거절할 필요가 있다.
④ 자신의 의견을 고집하면 대인 관계가 악화된다.
⑤ 제안을 승낙하기 전에는 그 의도를 파악해야 한다.
Wanting to be a
good child, or the uncomplaining employee, or the cooperative patient, people
fall into the trap of trying to look good in front of others by doing what they
want. Because of this, we lose sight of our boundaries and forget our needs to
the point of costing our lives literally and symbolically. As a result, we find
ourselves overly distressed and our relationships stressed. However, when we
find ourselves saying no to what we know is wrong and saying yes to what we
really want to do, our relationship with others suddenly improves and we feel
empowered. For this reason, let us not be afraid of saying no. Let us use every
moment to the fullest, doing what we really want to do, being unafraid of
saying no.
① 난관을 극복할 때 성취감이 생긴다.
② 항상 타인의 입장을 먼저 고려해야 한다.
③ 자신이 원하지 않는 일은 거절할 필요가 있다.
④ 자신의 의견을 고집하면 대인 관계가 악화된다.
⑤ 제안을 승낙하기 전에는 그 의도를 파악해야 한다.
In our desire to
be perceived as a good child, or an uncomplaining employee, or a cooperative
patient, we please others by doing what they want us to do. As a result, we
relegate our needs behind their wishes and we forget our boundaries. This
leaves us in a quandary as we suddenly find ourselves in chaotic circumstances
and our relationships in disarray. Contrariwise, when we live in the way we
want, doing what pleases us and saying the things we deem right, we suddenly
feel empowered and our relationships fall into place. Therefore,
let us not be afraid of saying no. Let
us live our lives to the fullest, doing what we want to do and saying no to
what we don’t like to do!
① 난관을 극복할 때 성취감이 생긴다.
② 항상 타인의 입장을 먼저 고려해야 한다.
③ 자신이 원하지 않는 일은 거절할 필요가 있다.
④ 자신의 의견을 고집하면 대인 관계가 악화된다.
⑤ 제안을 승낙하기 전에는 그 의도를 파악해야 한다.
At times, we find
ourselves in the midst of uncompromising truth as we unintelligently follow
what others deem is right for us, despite our own beliefs, just so we fit in
the role of a good child, an excellent employee or a cooperative patient. It
sometimes belies our own set of rules, standards or even values, which could
cost us so dearly. The sad thing about relationships is that, we at times have
to come to grasp to the reality that we sometimes need to bend our own
boundaries to create healthy relationships. Yet, somehow, when we reach the
point where we know how to say no so that we become true to what we really are,
then we find ourselves enlightened and in-touch to our own humanity and
spirituality, which improves our relationships. Therefore, saying no should not
frighten us; but instead, it should inspire us to take courage to stand up and
be heard.
① 난관을 극복할 때 성취감이 생긴다.
② 항상 타인의 입장을 먼저 고려해야 한다.
③ 자신이 원하지 않는 일은 거절할 필요가 있다.
④ 자신의 의견을 고집하면 대인 관계가 악화된다.
⑤ 제안을 승낙하기 전에는 그 의도를 파악해야 한다.
Because of our
determined attempt at compromise, we end up conceding unintelligently to what
others expect of us—as a child who knows how to obey, as an employee who knows
how to endure his working circumstances for the benefit of the company, or as a
patient who knows how to follow prescriptions to the dot. The fact that setting
limits may cause us dearly our relationships, may be one force behind such
concession. Yet, once we learn how not to oblige for the sake of what we
believe is right, then, we reach a higher level in our humanity and
spirituality which makes relationships much satisfying. Hence, saying no should
indeed be an inspiration and an encouragement for us. Once you are at that
moment in your life, never hesitate to make your voice be heard.
① 난관을 극복할 때 성취감이 생긴다.
② 항상 타인의 입장을 먼저 고려해야 한다.
③ 자신이 원하지 않는 일은 거절할 필요가 있다.
④ 자신의 의견을 고집하면 대인 관계가 악화된다.
⑤ 제안을 승낙하기 전에는 그 의도를 파악해야 한다.
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